Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Moment of Clarity

Smoked a blunt today morning at 4:30 am.

Walked out of home at 6:15 am.

Everything looked bright and sunny, but not quite. It seemed like someone had applied a Sepia effect on everything. At times I even thought that someone had slipped some mushrooms into the weed or something. The visual trip was THAT vivid.

Only when I met my friend did I realize that the reason everything looked weird was because of the freakin Solar Eclipse.

Major "D'oh! Moment".

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Waiters in Shillong aren't a very nice bunch of people. And they can't even punch their way out of a wet paper bag.

I had gone to Kimsang, the local "Chinese Food Restaurant cum Bar" for a cold beer with a friend of mine. Since we were both running short on cash, we decided to split a bottle. The problem was that it took us almost two hours to finish it (just to avoid going back out in the scorching heat). While paying the bill, the smart-ass waiter mutters, "Fuckers...order only one beer but sit here for two hours."

Next thing I know my friend gets up and asks him to repeat that, and then promptly gets punched in his stomach for his troubles. And then I'm suddenly aware that my right fist has made contact with the waiter's face. Then all hell breaks loose. All the other diners quickly pay their bills and split. The manager closes the shutters of the place and the two of us are surrounded by 8 waiters. Luckily, only two other waiters join the fight. So now I'm kicking Waiter No 1 in the face, while Waiter No 2 is clawing my neck and punching my head from behind, and my friend is simultaneously punching Waiter No 2 and keeping Waiter No 3 at bay. I'm sure it looked like a weird chain of some sort to a third party.

The entire fracas ended in the same random way it began. The manager grabbed both of us by the collar and threw us out. And just like that, the fight was over.

In the end, I did feel somewhat liberated. Just repeatedly pounding on a guy's face can be extremely therapeutic.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ansel Adams

I've been taking pictures for a while and I realized that I've never had a "favourite" photographer or someone who I'd aspire to be like one day. After weeks and weeks of looking, I think I've finally found someone who's a prototype of the kind of photographer I want to be. The late great Ansel Adams.

His breathtaking landscape shots in black and white were incredibly moving, and also a fitting mode of portraying the grandeur of the American West. His pictures probably say a lot more about the photographer than about the subject itself, in my opinion. The way he plays with high contrast lighting and shadows is truly a joy to watch. But most importantly, his use of the right amount of exposure in every shot was masterful. The picture shown below is one of his famous works, "Teton and Snake River", taken in 1942.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Attack of the 50ft Chinese Footballers

This is Yang Changpeng. He is a very very tall footballer. Not only is he enormous, he also has an amazing first touch and has played for Bolton Wanderers in the premier League.

And yes, that's a full-sized goal he's leaning on.

Monday, July 6, 2009

House party

Teacher's 75 Proof Scotch will knock you on your ass. I'm sure Esther agrees.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A series of mind-f**king events

I've now realized that the car that currently lies dormant in my garage isn't a car at all. It is in fact Loki, reincarnated (was he even dead in the first place?) as a 2004 model Maruti 800. Ever since I started driving that blasted thing, something downright f**ked up has happened to me or a relative of mine.

1. Arun's car gets crushed by a Santro (drunk driver) from the back and a taxi from the front. Luckily he walked away from the accident, albeit with a horribly disfigured face.

2. My cousin kills himself over a girl. Not really sure what that was all about.

3. I run out of fuel 15km from my home. Even though the fuel guage showed "half full" less than 10 minutes ago. It has a life of its own, this thing. Had to walk all the way back in the rain, get the debit card, buy fuel and walk most of the way back.

4. Get the car covered in puke, piss and Romanov Vodka (None of it was my own. I was happily minding my own business at home when I got an "emergency" call from my friend at one in the morning. Drove all the way to Shillong Peak. There I find 6 extremely drunk high school students, a few of whom looked comatose. Carried some of them back to the car, and I was rewarded for this selfless act with an impromptu "vodka bath" and then being puked on by, not one, but two women.). I still don't know how I didn't end up losing my temper that night.

5. Broke the crankshaft. Actually BROKE it. Not sure how I managed that.

So, before the thing actually kills me, I've made the smart decision to stop driving it. Better start practising my "Taxi!! PB jayga?!?" call.