Saturday, August 1, 2009

And the search begins

After my recent fracas at the not-so-friendly Chinese restaurant, my eyes were in a perpetual scanning mode looking for a new watering hole. Many bars were considered for this prestigious honour, but I have now narrowed it down to three final contenders.

Welcome Bar
Located slightly away from the bustling heart of town, this fine establishment provides multiple varieties of alcohol, Tibetan cuisine and "sweat meats", whatever that is. Two key features of Welcome Bar are; it has extremely attractive Tibetan waitresses, and it sells alcohol on Sundays (a Government ordered dry day in Meghalaya), albeit at an increased price. Well, not really, the price is raised by just one Rupee.

The Hole in the Ground
This is in no way the actual name of this place. To tell you the truth, I don't think it has a name at all. It's so secretive that you could be standing two feet away from it without realizing that this place even exists. To enter, one must open a blue trap door and literally descend into a hole in the ground, hence the name. Like "Welcome Bar", it sells booze on Sundays but at a much higher price. However, the best feature of T.H.I.T.G. is that it remains open till 5 a.m., which in Shillong is akin to finding a passive unassuming Jat.

Ambassador Bar
By far the SHADIEST joint I've seen in a while, or as I like to call it, Guhan Balaji's natural habitat. Extremely atmospheric. Nearly impossible to find a female within its premises, nevermind the bar itself. The location is such that one strong gust of wind could just topple it from its precarious perch over the municipal gutter. The waiters are polite, speedy and smell vaguely of kerosene. No outstanding qualities like the other two, but the sheer coziness of the place more than makes up for it.

The only way I can be fair in my decision is if I give all three an equal chance. So for the next two months I'll be intensely reviewing these establishments before I make my final decision. I just hope I don't end up ruining my liver in the process.


  1. I like the Hole in the Ground bar. Damn it, I can't rememember the last time I went to a pub, fuckin Delhi!

  2. Yeah, Hole in the Ground seems a worthwhile place. I gotta sample a range of new watering holes in Bangalore that have cropped up. Sad thing is they all seem to be veering towards Delhi prices.
