Monday, August 31, 2009

Marijuanalogues III

Well it seems Law Schoolites are getting into all kinds of trouble these days because of their rampant drug abuse, so I thought it would be good if I listed some basic techniques one can employ to prevent getting caught by authorities.

Red Eyes:
This is a very major detector in telling if someone is high. The best solution is Visene, Bausch & Laumb, Clear Eyes, Rhoto Vs(The best), or any other eyedrop that relieves redness. Check to see it's potency too, Max relief or what have you would work well. It also seems that you build an immunity to the drops, so make sure you have put in enough. Time will also make your eyes less red. Also, be confident, look people you're talking to in the eyes, try to keep your eyes open normally, given you've used visene. Always hide your visene, someone finding visene is a dead giveaway, what are the chances you need visene for something other than bloodshot, smoked out eyes.

Breath: Again, very important that this is masked. Listerene strips or gum works really well. Your breath won't smell for that long, and anything that you put in your mouth will help, food or soda etc., even strong smelling food works good, like onions. If you have very skeptical parents, spit out the gum before coming in contact with adults.

Smell in Clothes:This is a very tricky one, but the best remedy is to have a spare shirt. Say you know you're going to be hotboxing a car. Always carry an extra shirt around if you can, that way you can wear it while you smoke, so the smell goes on it, and not what you wore earlier. Then you can just take the rank shirt off when you're done smoking, and put on the fresh clothes you were wearing earlier. Works like a charm, and I do it almost everytime now. Depending on how much you smoked and what you smokd it out of, the smell may go away after a bit in fesh air, but you can never be too careful. Blow it away from your clothes if need be.

I however, do not reccomend sprays, like cologne, or axe. Most of the time these won't mask the smell, but mix. To me axe and weed is stronger than just weed. Although here is a technique which is more specific than just spraying axe, and will work fine.

If you know you're going to go smoke immediately, spray yourself with a cologne, then put a heavy materialed shirt on (hoodie, jacket, etc). That way when you're inside or elsewhere, you take off the heavy layer and you simply smell good because of that wonderful cologne you always wear, because you are a clean and well-put together individual.

Smell on Fingers: This could possibly be one of the most important things to remember. Your breath and clothes will air out not too long after, but your fingers will reek for a long time. This also depends on what your smoking, blunts and joints will really make your fingers stink. WHat you can do to easily solve this is just wash your hands off, but anything to take the smell out of your fingers will. Sometimes I walk in and pet my smelly ass dog.

Smell in Hair: Depending upon how long your hair is, the smell could get into it too. Although i do not have long hair, it would probably be best to wear a hat or something while smoking, or to just make sure your hair airs out.

Smell of surroundings:Bedroom/house:There are many different ways to try and hide the smell in your room. I'm going to list the techniques I can come up with.

Timing: Try and find a time when you won't be walked in on, when you know for sure your parents are asleep and won't bother you. Hell, even gone (the best). You just have to make sure you won't be interrupted or walked in on shortly therafter.

Smoke: Isn't much you can do for this one, but there are some remedies that go along with other things listed below. Blowing into a pillow will reduce smoke,(See warnings below), if you light incense, there's a reason to be smoke. Holding the hit in longer will reduce smoke. Blowing smoke through the shooter will reduce smoke a little bit. Open your windows and let it air out, a fan in the window will help get fresh air in. If all else fails, turn on a fan inside, ceiling or stand, that may kill the smoke a little (The AC does that to a hotbox, right?).

Fan in window pointing outward: This is a very good method, just smoke next to the fan, blowing the smoke into it, leading to outside. Also hold whatever you're smoking near it to, so whatever rolls off gets sucked out too. No smoke, no smell, you're good. Just make sure to always have that fan there for a particular reason (Airflow going through your room) or only when you smoke. If you leave it there it could be a give-away that you were smoking.

Fabric Softeners/dryer sheet in toilet paper roll(Zoom Tubes): Put about 8 fabric softeners/dryer sheets into a paper towel roll, and maybe even one rubber banded over the top of one of the sides. Just inhale and exhale through this device.This one works alright, but you need to be aware of all smoke, smoking device and what you inhale. Generally smoke will come out of a bowl after you hit it, isn't that much smoke though. So it should clear up smell wise shortly after. Dispose of or hide the Zoom tube, as with eye drops, this is a dead give-a-way.

Incense,candles, and Febreeze: From experience, incense will cover the smell, but also leave skeptical parents wondering. It's a little obvious that you're lighting incense to cover up a smell. This works good if you used incense before you smoked. Candles will help the smell too, it won't necessarily cover it up quickly, but it will smell good, and eventually cover up the weed smell(Not recommended for lots of smoking). Febreeze or any kind of spray that doesn't cover, but kills smell, will work. Febreeze is good for fabrics smell, and I think they have one that lso eliminates air odor. This also could be a little obvious if your parents have suspicions. Spray or light in areas where you smoke, and doorways where people come in.

Blowing into a pillow or mattress:This will work alright, but you need to be very careful. Blowing big hits into pillows will leave a brownish mouth print from where the smoke went through. Again, if you parents see those marks, it can't be good. Be very careful with this, and only try if you aren't smoking too much (i.e. One hitters) Try spraying the pillow with something later and let it air out. Not recommended.

Cologne:Cologne is not what you want to be your first choice as a mask. Most of the time it will just mix with the smell AND make things obvious. Only do this as a last resort, I don't entirely recommend it.

Hold that shit in!: If you're a champ, hold that shit in, the longer you hold it in, the less smoke, the less smell. Thsi works great with any other technique, AND gets you higher.

Smoke in the shower: This is what I do a lot when I smoke alone at home. If you have a fan thing in your bathroom (Made to suck in steam and hot air), just smoke and blow it into that. Then, after that, take a shower, a hot shower, and make sure to sud up extra good to get that smell in the air and the weed smell out. Works wonders and no one can walk in on you.

Smell of surrounding:Car(This is for people with cars, who have snoopy parents.) Like anything, how you smoke effects the smell, but also in cars, the material effect it too(Leather doesn't absorb smoke much, cloth like fabrics do, get it?). You can just crack your windows and blow out if you're smoking bowls or anything. If you don't vent while smoking, roll all the windows down and air that shit out, This will even help you air out too. If you are smoking a blunt, roll the windows down. If you hotbox, expect your car to smell the next day. You'll need lots of air blowing to get a hotbox smell out of a car. Air fresheners will probably help, without much suspicion.

Also, if smoking or carrying anything in a car, drive right, you don't want to get pulled over.

Hiding spots:It's always nice to have a good hiding spot for your stash. You want to try and pick a place unfrequented, where your parents wouldn't find on accident. Also, don't hide it too easy, that could get you caught one day. I had a few good ones myself, some of you would use them for ideas. In my dresser, i could take out the bottom drawer, then lift up a panel it was over, and put everything down there. A perfect spot unless my mom were to rearrange my room. I also had a row of books on a shelf that were diagonal, with a triangle shaped spot behind them. I threw stuff there for a quicker and more convenient spot, although not long term.

Everyone has great hiding spot, just use your imagination

Confidence: Have confidence in yourself, if you don't have red eyes, and don't smell, you're pretty good. Remember that although you're probably very paranoid, no one has the right to think you're high other than an assumption. Open your eyes normally, look them in the eyes, talk to them regularly, no reason to get caught. Paranoia is the worst part about getting high, if you're confident, you can overcome this and relax.

Being high around people takes getting used to, but if you try, it will become easy, you can not get caught and be fucked up, it just takes practice and confidence.

Carelessness: This is by far the worst. If you smoke for too long, you end up being less and less careful, which leads to everyone's demise. As hard as it may be, you HAVE to try and make sure to clean up after you smoke. Put everything away and make sure it doesn't smell. I hate to say it, but no matter how careful you are, eventually this will be your fall, so just be very careful.

And most importantly...keep quiet about that shit. It does not matter if people already know you do it, just don't let them find out when you do it, how often you do it and when you're going to do it next.

Happy smoking.


  1. I don't really care about the smell and red eyes by now, but yeah I agree confidence is the key.

  2. If you don't care about the smell then I'm pretty sure confidence isn't an issue with you.
