Friday, September 25, 2009

In dog years I'm dead

It's odd, but I have absolutely no memory of my birthday last year. As it is birthdays are miserable little affairs where you have to pretend to be nice to everyone and people you don't even know go out of their way to wish you a "Happy Birthday!!". And the worst part is that you have to individually thank everyone for their wishes, even though neither party really means what they say. And money. Goes flying out of the pocket during this time of the year. But really, I hate people fussing over me more than anything else. Probably. Why do people enjoy birthdays again?

But this year is going to be different. I'll be in a crowded bus filled with strangers the whole day. And I have no cell phone, so can't get bothered by over-zealous well wishers as well. Probably the best way to celebrate this god awful day.


  1. lol, I wrote a similar post on my last birthday

  2. @ Loon, yeah I remember that one :)

    @epic lad, i hope i did good

  3. How did it go? Heard you missed that bus in the end :D

  4. Yeah. I blame Naga for that. He called me up at midnight when I was happily sleeping. Screwed everything up.
